
I Arpy filmato storico Cesare Balbis

Cesare Balbis historic movie mountain flying and rescue The Arpy.

Published Dec 26, 2013

Uomini e macchine del cielo sul cervino come aquile

Documetario RAI Valle d’Aosta shot in the seventies for the gliding school on the air and on the high mountain food supply

Published Dec 16, 2013

Volo trasporto sciatori Asiago 1970

Published Dec 12, 2013

Inaugurazione primo aliporto d’Italia 1967

Cesare Balbis first Inauguration altiport of Italy in 1967 chamois Aosta valley
Published De 12, 2013
Filmato storico, rifornimento viveri rifugio benevolo
Historical footage , archive Cesare Balbis mountain rider, supply food shelter Benevolent Aosta Valley
Published Dec 26, 2013

Filmato storico, collegamento tra Aosta e Torino

Film historian, archive Cesare Balbis maiden flight Aosta-Torino

Published Dec 15, 2013

Chamois raduno europeo piloti di montagna
Aosta Valley Chamois, European gathering of mountain pilots organized by the commander Cesare Balbis , expert mountain pilot flying
Published Dec 12, 2013

Cesare Balbis documentario volo a vela

Published Nov 18, 2013

Cesare Balbis documentario GEO magazine

Published Giu 23, 2016

Rassegne Tv

 Cesare Balbis sereno variabile volo sulle alpi
Aosta Valley Chamois , European gathering of mountain pilots organized by the commander Cesare Balbis , expert mountain pilot flying
Published Dec 12, 2013

Cesare Balbis linea bianca Chamois

Cesare Balbis January 2001, flight school with Manuela di Centa.
Published Dec 26, 2013
Cesare Balbis campo base
Video interview with Cesare Balbis during the TV program Base Camp
Published Nov 17, 2013